Saturday, May 10, 2003
Disharmony in Leather
A recent Friday night brought my cohort and me back to the Black Eagle. There I found myself caught in a single synchronistic event . An alternate universe experience. A disharmonious convergence.
Keep in mind that entire event took a mere 30 seconds. The synchronicity was of coarse instantaneous. It only took my cohort to point out the confluence and then whamo; I was nether worldly for a millisecond. The disharmony continues to this day.
Here’s how the little tiny thing went down. My friend and I were chatting in a particularly dim back room at the Eagle when I was approached by a potential man -date. He was very charming and attractive and actually began to touch some innocent parts of my person. This was not a bad thing. Almost simultaneously to the touching the song “People Are People” by Depeche Mode began to play over the sound system. This is not, in my opinion, a bad song.
Just as the song began, a particular Adult film began to play on the video monitors. “The best of ( insert name of popular local gay adult film performer)”He is not, again my opinion, an unattractive man, and could well be a likeable person.
Some background may help you better understand why these random events might push me into a dis-associative episode. The song was one of Depeche Mode’s most successful singles. Although I enjoy the group independent of other influences, I can’t help but be reminded of my X whenever I hear their music. He was a card carrying member of their fan club. Although my X has a very wide range of musical tastes, Depeche mode remained an ubiquitous presence throughout our 11 years together.
‘No biggy Ian’ you say? Consider this: The Performer being featured on the video monitors was none other than my X’s X. (My X-once-removed?). Its never pleasant to imagine a friend engaged in intimate relations with another. Now imagine that friend is the X- love of your life and the person of his affection can be seen performing a medley of sexual acts for all to see. Now try to explain all of this to the charming man touching you.
Irony is overrated. Assigning undue meaning to coincidental occurrences is, in my experiences, a dangerous practice. It tends to lead one to the murky waters of religion, or worse, ‘spirituality’. There is nothing metaphysical about these events. ‘Disharmony in Leather’ is nothing more than my life, cruelly condensed in time. A reminder of the circumstances of life raining all over me.